Mat Hog- Mat Hog is the Name, Controlling the Mat is the Game

From their smell, eating habits, and curly tail, to their menacing tusks, a hog usually is not an animal that has many positive references. But hear us out on this one, Adidas has created one of the meanest hogs we have ever seen. First hitting shelves many years ago, it???s been a long time since the wrestling world has seen or heard from the Mat Hog, but now it???s migrated its way back and is better than ever. Built very similarly to the original model, the Mat Hog rises lower on the ankle than most of its counterparts, and is completed with a simple, yet effective lace strap. However, there are plenty of upgrades and improvements to talk about, as well. Composed of a mesh and synthetic reinforced upper, the Mat Hog will always be able to keep your feet dry, because everyone knows feet move faster when they???re not weighed down with water. The materials of the upper keep the Mat Hog light and responsive while still remaining extremely durable. Wrapping up the front of the shoe is a suede reinforcement that will allow you to be on your toes on every shot and scramble without ever having to worry about a blowout or rip. On the hoofs of the Mat Hog, Adidas has included an EVA foam midsole designed to wrap your foot in comfort for many hours of wear. Beneath the EVA foam cloud midsole is the classic Adidas full-length sole. A very familiar design completed with traction pads that will keep you grounded whenever your feet touch the mat. The Mat Hog also comes in a full size run and has some of the most color options of the entry level shoes available. The Mat Hog is the perfect companion for any new wrestler or seasoned athlete who wants a simplistic addition to upping their game. No tusks included.

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